How do you choose a hosting provider when there are thousands of hosting companies available online? It’s like going through the yellow pages trying to find burger restaurants. There are lots of them. Hopefully these tips will steer you in the right direction.Important factors in selecting a web hosting company include the percentage of server uptime. 98 to 99% uptime is the dream standard for server uptime, 65% is unacceptable. The higher the downtime of a server, the lower the potential for traffic at your web site. Another consideration is how much space is provided for the files that will make up your web site. How much bandwidth is in your package? Monthly bandwidth is the amount of data transfer allowed for visitors to view and use your web site.
With today’s changing trends in web hosting services, it is important to get as much server space and bandwidth as you can. This will allow for necessary updates and increased traffic to your site as it becomes more popular.
It is equally important when purchasing business web hosting that CGI access is provided; along with features such as MySQL, Real Audio, Real Video, and Cold Fusion (which some companies sell as an add on component). A crucial feature necessary for doing ecommerce is SSL, or Secure Socket Layer. This encrypts all order and credit card information until it reaches you. An SSL certificate can be purchased from most web hosting providers. Displaying it on your ecommerce web site verifies that your site transactions are safe and secure.
We’ve talked about this before in other articles. You will need a domain name that reflects the nature of your business. For instance, a sports business might have a URL that is . To get your own unique domain name, you must first check the availability of the name with a domain name search, offered by domain registrars such as Network Solutions.
There are many service providers to choose from. If you do your homework, you’ll find some good deals that will fit your budget.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
IX Web Hosting Review
PRICE - $3.95
IX Web Hosting has made a remarkable name for itself since its inception in 1999. Boasting their own data center, a highly professional website and very attractive hosting plans. Over the course of our review of IX Web Hosting, a period of many months, they continuously improved their performance, reliability and customer service, resulting in extremely quick loading websites and high customer satisfaction. All of this has contributed to their #1 rating by our review team.
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During our extensive hosting experience with IX Web Hosting, we have had hardly any server outages. It would be a lie to say none of our test accounts have never been down - however, the uptime track record is impressive. The question is not IF downtime happens, the question is how often it happens and how quickly your hosting company can resolve the problem, and prevent it in the future. Our overall reliability experience with IX Web Hosting is positive. IX Web Hosting employs diesel backup generators, tested weekly, to ensure that no downtime is encountered over power issues. They also perform routine upgrades to their infrastructure, and do so in as unobtrusive a way as possible, which is a plus.
Price Value
IX Web Hosting, as with all of the hosts we review, are in the shared hosting market, one in which competition is fierce, and prices can only go so low. As a consequence, you tend to get a great deal for your money and IX Web Hosting is definitely competitive in this respect. With each of their three hosting plans, they offer free site builder software, a free shopping cart, a wonderful customer control panel, and of course, great prices. Their billing cycles run from quarterly and semi-annual to 1 and 2-year billing cycles, on all plans. The longer the billing cycle, the higher the discount that is offered. On top of this, customer support well-covered: 24/7 phone support, an eChat interface and a snappy ticketing system make problem resolution painless
Control Panel
The basis of their control panel is H-Sphere. However, IX Web Hosting's programming staff has modified it heavily. Both LINUX and WINDOWS hosting accounts are provided with this control panel, which functions flawlessly with accounts on both platforms. It allows you to add, remove and manage your domain names, subdomains, FTP accounts, email accounts, mailing lists, auto responders, email aliases, MIME Types, Apache Indexes, PHP / ASP configuration, mySQL, PostgreSQL and MSSQL databases, SQL database users, as well as cancelling and resuming your account subscription and reporting problems through trouble tickets, all from one interface.
Customer Support
A cornerstone of IX Web Hosting's success has always been well-covered customer support. Their support staff has grown dramatically over the years and continues to expand to try meeting the needs of their customers. They offer toll free phone support, web-based live chat, email support and a convenient ticketing system, all staffed 24 hours a day.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
What Is A Domain Name?
A domain is a name that identifies IP addresses on the internet. The domain name represents about fifteen (15) IP addresses. Domain names are used to identify Web pages. For example, in the URL, the domain name is
You register a domain name by registering with a domain name services registrar. The domain name industry is regulated and overseen by ICANN, which is an organization responsible for providing standards and procedures for certifying companies as domain name registrars.
Domain name registration has grown over the years. Network Solutions was the first domain name registrar to ever provide such a service. That was over ten years ago but today there are many accredited registrars. Only a domain name registrar is permitted to access and modify the master database domains that are on InterNIC servers. The fee is determined by the registrar as far as getting a domain name and some registers have special domain name packages.
Do You Really Need a Domain Name?
You use a domain name to create an identity on the World Wide Web and domain names can also be used for branding purposes, such as Wal-Mart, K-Mart, etc. In picking a domain name, the title shouldn’t stray far from what your company is all about. This will allow you to market your web-site as a subsidiary of your business and put your domain name on business cards and advertisements.
Once you select a domain name, you must register it with a domain name registrar. This is a task you can do easily. Many ISPs offer a complete package that includes hosting and the registering of the domain name for you. Fees probably will include a one time set-up fee for all of the backend technical work that needs to be accomplished. Then pay your service provider a monthly, semi-annual or annual fee for Web site hosting services.
Many domain registrar services have competent online tools to help you get your domain name and hosting site up and running.
You register a domain name by registering with a domain name services registrar. The domain name industry is regulated and overseen by ICANN, which is an organization responsible for providing standards and procedures for certifying companies as domain name registrars.
Domain name registration has grown over the years. Network Solutions was the first domain name registrar to ever provide such a service. That was over ten years ago but today there are many accredited registrars. Only a domain name registrar is permitted to access and modify the master database domains that are on InterNIC servers. The fee is determined by the registrar as far as getting a domain name and some registers have special domain name packages.
Do You Really Need a Domain Name?
You use a domain name to create an identity on the World Wide Web and domain names can also be used for branding purposes, such as Wal-Mart, K-Mart, etc. In picking a domain name, the title shouldn’t stray far from what your company is all about. This will allow you to market your web-site as a subsidiary of your business and put your domain name on business cards and advertisements.
Once you select a domain name, you must register it with a domain name registrar. This is a task you can do easily. Many ISPs offer a complete package that includes hosting and the registering of the domain name for you. Fees probably will include a one time set-up fee for all of the backend technical work that needs to be accomplished. Then pay your service provider a monthly, semi-annual or annual fee for Web site hosting services.
Many domain registrar services have competent online tools to help you get your domain name and hosting site up and running.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Host Excellence Review
Price 4/5
Reliability 5/5
Customer Service 5/5
Technical Support 5/5
Features 5/5
Storage Space 4/5
Bandwidth 5/5
Tech Response Time 5/5
Ease-of-Use 5/5
TOTAL : 95.6%
Host Excellence has an impressive track record when it comes to the stability and dependability of their services. Acknowledging that reliability is in the interests of everyone involved, they have gone to great lengths to ensure that problems are few and far between. Their private data center is a testament to this principle. Backup power facilities, fault-tolerant systems and 24/7 on-site administrative staff make Host Excellence a good choice for anyone.
Price Value
If you’re looking for a great deal on web hosting services, look no further. Being a customer-oriented business, Host Excellence puts a lot of effort into offering their customers as much bang for the buck as you can get in shared hosting, providing a great selection of services and payment options, not to mention a noteworthy level of customer support, the value of which is something that cannot be easily expressed. They provide you with the tools needed to build your website, setup an ecommerce store, manage your databases and a great deal more, all at a wonderful price.
Control Panel
Host Excellence has developed a unique control panel for their customers. Frankly, I would say that their control panel software is one of the best on the market, IF it were on the market. They employ a highly modified and expanded version of HSphere ( as their hosting control panel, provided for both Linux and Windows based accounts. Throughout our testing, their control panel has been very snappy and reliable. It is much more user-friendly than most of the control panels out there and easy to operate. Included is an extensive customer guide which can quickly assist even the most reluctant novice.
Customer Support
The support they provide can easily be rated as excellent, especially their phone support. Host Excellence makes sure that their customers are never left on their own if problems arise, offering 24/7 phone support, eChat, and helpdesk support avenues, all free, and all staffed by skilled and friendly people who resolve issues quickly and are easy to work with. We commend them for their prompt and reliable support!
Monday, April 5, 2010
What is Web Hosting?
A web hosting service provides a service that allows individuals and businesses to post web pages to the internet. A web hosting service provider sells or for free (with advertisements on the web page) is a business that provides the servers and technologies to view web-sites on the internet.
Web hosting services are services that customers can utilize after they have purchased monthly dial up or broadband services that allow them access to the internet. Web hosting services use hosting and client architecture to load content to the server so web pages and information can be viewed on the internet in its original HTML format.
A web hosting company will offer clients access to a server that will provide the clients’ content to individuals on the World Wide Web after they make a URL or domain name request. To view pages on the web, you must have a web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator to request the web page from the server after you have purchased internet access.
Web sites are pages that are stored on a computer called a server. The server is a part of a network of computers on the internet or World Wide Web that allows users of the internet to reach your site anywhere in the world at anytime. The internet is open 24 hours, seven days a week around the clock.
Host computers are configured so that when your URL or domain name is typed in, the address will use a pointer routine (look for the address from terminal to terminal) until it reaches the computer that hosts your web-site. Then, if all is okay, your web site should display itself on the users screen.
Hosting companies require that you buy your URL or domain name first before you purchase hosting services. Most hosting companies have a package that will allow you to buy the domain name and hosting at the same time.
Web hosting services are services that customers can utilize after they have purchased monthly dial up or broadband services that allow them access to the internet. Web hosting services use hosting and client architecture to load content to the server so web pages and information can be viewed on the internet in its original HTML format.
A web hosting company will offer clients access to a server that will provide the clients’ content to individuals on the World Wide Web after they make a URL or domain name request. To view pages on the web, you must have a web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator to request the web page from the server after you have purchased internet access.
Web sites are pages that are stored on a computer called a server. The server is a part of a network of computers on the internet or World Wide Web that allows users of the internet to reach your site anywhere in the world at anytime. The internet is open 24 hours, seven days a week around the clock.
Host computers are configured so that when your URL or domain name is typed in, the address will use a pointer routine (look for the address from terminal to terminal) until it reaches the computer that hosts your web-site. Then, if all is okay, your web site should display itself on the users screen.
Hosting companies require that you buy your URL or domain name first before you purchase hosting services. Most hosting companies have a package that will allow you to buy the domain name and hosting at the same time.
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